Saturday, June 23, 2012

Random : A Free Book from FLP Bogor 4th Gathering


First I would like to say to all my reader "HAPPY HOLY HOLIDAAAAAYYYY!!!
I just finish all of the final exam that hit me for almost 2 weeks. We went through so many struggle just to make it done and to meet the super long holiday.

Well, I just arrived home after attending the 4th gathering of Forum Lingkar Pena Bogor. Kekekekeke

Yup. Gue itu kan dateng telat gara dengan bego-nya salah liat jam di jarkoman. Gue pikir kita mulai jam setengah 10 ternyata mulainya jam setengah 9. puhleaseee...
Hahaha akhirnya gue duduk di bangku yang menyendiri dengan tampak sok polos padahal udah ngerasa bego setengah mati.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Random : Lalalalala Thingy (Killing)

Pingin curitaaaaaaaa...

Well, ini gue gak ngerti kenapa gue eager banget buat nge-post beginian tengah malem sementara besok gue ujian praktikum Penerapan Komputer. Astagfirullah hal adzim.
Salah ga sih? Benerin ajalah ya.

Jadi, gue ini bingung mau ceritanya gimana dan mulai dari mana. Alasannya, karena gue juga ga tau pasti sejaka kapan gue jadi merasakan hal seperti ini ke orang itu. Hissshhhh.

FF : Symphony Of The Bullet (Part 2 : Something Right)

Title : Symphony of The Bullet
Author : @emmyaoi
Genre : Straight, Drama, Romance
Type : Long Series, very long
Pairing : Find them out
Rating : PG
Disclaimer : I own only the plot
Author’s note : Okay, are you sureprise that this entry wasn't casted by BIG BANG member? Well, it somehow like a request from my beloved dongsaeng Rinda and Icha who wanted to be paired up with Choi Minho and Kim Hyungjun. So I just write this fic and for me too, cause I adore Kim HyunJoong a lot. He's handsome, isn't he? Here we go the second part of SOTB :)


(Hyejin’s Point Of View)

Menunggu bus membuatku frustasi, aku nyaris saja mengoyak lepas ujung sweaterku dengan kuku dan gigitan. Seharian ini aku cukup sibuk mengurusi para juniorku yang manis. Untung saja aku bukan tipe yang akan menelan mereka hidup-hidup kalau mereka melanggar peraturan bahkan di hari pertama mereka menginjakkan kaki di Cheonsang.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

FF : Symphony Of The Bullet (Part 1 : Close)

Title : Symphony of The Bullet
Author : @emmyaoi
Genre : Straight, Drama, Romance
Type : Long Series, very long
Pairing : Find them out
Rating : PG
Disclaimer : I own only the plot
Author’s note : It had been written about two or three year ago, and I haven't finish it untul now, so I will continue writing this fiction. Hope it can be one good stuff :)

(Kim’s house)
Kim Taerin mengerang ketika hawa dingin merayapi seluruh tubuhnya. Selimut yang tadinya membungkus tubuhnya telah disingkirkan seseorang, membuatnya meraba-raba dengan kesal, mencari-cari benda dewa di saat pertengahan musim gugur itu.

Random : Wonderful Saturday Night with TANGGA

First, I would like to scream...


Okay. Enough. June 2nd 2012!!!
I just happen to get the ticket about 30 minutes before the Donation Show start LOL I messed up with some homework before decided to watch the show. And there I was. In the first tribune. Screaming like crazy. Singing like M. Carey, and dancing so funky. Heck. What is wrong with me, why I type these words -_____-

I am SO DEADLY HAPPY!! I met TANGGA, I TOOK pictures!! and guess what? Kamga hold my shoulder and yeah we're VIP, we have the same blood. The HOLY YELLOW BLOOD!!

Well guys, you should know that Nerra and Chevrina really beautiful and Tata, hell, how come he look so sexy with those hairy skin :3

Still, I stand for Kamga. Gooo Kamga! Go Go Kamga!!!

See? I stick to Kamgaaaa... hahaha