Friday, June 15, 2012

Random : Lalalalala Thingy (Killing)

Pingin curitaaaaaaaa...

Well, ini gue gak ngerti kenapa gue eager banget buat nge-post beginian tengah malem sementara besok gue ujian praktikum Penerapan Komputer. Astagfirullah hal adzim.
Salah ga sih? Benerin ajalah ya.

Jadi, gue ini bingung mau ceritanya gimana dan mulai dari mana. Alasannya, karena gue juga ga tau pasti sejaka kapan gue jadi merasakan hal seperti ini ke orang itu. Hissshhhh.

Sebenernya gue udah nyerah dengan semuanya. Gue itu kalo dibilang udah DEJAVU barangkali tiga kali selama hidup gue. Gue udah tiga kali mengalami hal yang sama dan okay, IT'S ALWAYS END UP THAT WAY FOR ME!!! WAEEEEE???

Mungkin harusnya gue nggak perlu repot-repot bikin ini post random karena sebagian dari pembaca gue pasti udah tahu maksud gue. Jadi, gue itu udah pernah tiga kali lalalalalalala, tapi selalu entar endingnya pasti sama lalalalalalalala gue. Hahahaha
*laugh sarcastically*

LUPAKAN tentang sampah lalalala. FOKUS.
Jadi, gue itu sekarang sedang merasa lalalalalala (lagi-_____-) to A RANDOM PERSON. I'm asking why are this kind of feeling hit me again? Please, don't make me feel the same, if this kind of thing will drive me to the same f*cking ending? HELL, I hate to feel this kind of feeling again! Even I hate myself to keep feeling up right everytime that RANDOM PERSON do me something good!

I know, this feeling is not like the last time, but... it is EXACTLY STRONGER THAN EVER!!!
(red : well, gue nggak lagi nyeritain duo random unyu biokimia ya)

Yang gue pertanyakan adalah, kenapa gue harus begini lagi?? Gue lagi nggak mau bengkak-bengkakin hati gue, mumpung sebelumnya gue NGGAK terluka.
But, EVERYTIME anything related to this person comes, my heart KEEP on SWEELED *___* bleeehh

Please GOD, help me wipe him away... way so far, that I could never reach him (exactly). If he's for me, I know You'll send him back later, maybe it will need some time, a month, a year, or maybe ten years later... no one knows, but lets be real, it's not the time to build that kind of feeling or relationship, it's time to preparing for a bigger dream and brighter future :)

So, I just decided to kill this feeling, and I think I'm getting close to completely wipe that person's trace in me :)

Good bye for now, see you in the later life. We may made for each other... but I know, it's not the time for me or (maybe) you to admit this kind of feeling. Let's kill it before it grow into some secret garden (eeehhhh).

Gue berniat galau eh tapi gagal, karena gue sudah menyelesaikan misi gue. Well, gue lagi nggak mau begitu-begitu, hidup gue sekarang terlalu indah buat direcokin sama hal-hal begitu.

Lagi pula, gue masih kecil kooooookkkk *tenggaksenter*

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