Tuesday, February 14, 2012

BIG BANG : ALIVE 2nd Teaser Photo

Somehow I got soooo shock with this, but hell yeah, it's such a cool stuff. I mean, for me DAESUNG is always HOT, but with those WHITE-STRIKING-BLONDE-HAIR... He's just, SHOCKING ME!!! An ANGEL who lost his WINGS!!! Lovely DaeDae~~~

Me and my friend getting overly excited with this teaser. We screamed, "DASEUNGIE!!! DAESUNGIE!!!"
And when I opened twitter, I read a lot of VIPs want too kill the hairstylist-songsaengnim LOL. VIPs just getting freak out >.<
actually I first see this on my friend's lollipop, and I capture it from BBU, thank for YGFAN25 who have shared it.

Source : bigbangupdates.com

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